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The active Channel
type Query{
activeChannel: Channel!


The active Customer
type Query{
activeCustomer: Customer


The active Order. Will be null until an Order is created via `addItemToOrder`. Once an Order reaches the
state of PaymentAuthorized or `PaymentSettled`, then that Order is no longer considered "active" and this
query will once again return `null`.
type Query{
activeOrder: Order


An array of supported Countries
type Query{
availableCountries: [Country!]!


Returns a Collection either by its id or slug. If neither 'id' nor 'slug' is specified, an error will result.
type Query{
collection(id: ID, slug: String): Collection


A list of Collections available to the shop
type Query{
collections(options: CollectionListOptions): CollectionList!


Returns a list of payment methods and their eligibility based on the current active Order
type Query{
eligiblePaymentMethods: [PaymentMethodQuote!]!


Returns a list of eligible shipping methods based on the current active Order
type Query{
eligibleShippingMethods: [ShippingMethodQuote!]!


Returns a Facet by its id
type Query{
facet(id: ID!): Facet


A list of Facets available to the shop
type Query{
facets(options: FacetListOptions): FacetList!


Returns information about the current authenticated User
type Query{


Returns the possible next states that the activeOrder can transition to
type Query{
nextOrderStates: [String!]!


Returns an Order based on the id. Note that in the Shop API, only orders belonging to the
currently-authenticated User may be queried.
type Query{
order(id: ID!): Order


Returns an Order based on the order `code`. For guest Orders (i.e. Orders placed by non-authenticated Customers)
this query will only return the Order within 2 hours of the Order being placed. This allows an Order confirmation
screen to be shown immediately after completion of a guest checkout, yet prevents security risks of allowing
general anonymous access to Order data.
type Query{
orderByCode(code: String!): Order


Get a Product either by id or slug. If neither 'id' nor 'slug' is specified, an error will result.
type Query{
product(id: ID, slug: String): Product


Get a list of Products
type Query{
products(options: ProductListOptions): ProductList!
Search Products based on the criteria set by the `SearchInput`
type Query{
search(input: SearchInput!): SearchResponse!