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Logging allows you to see what is happening inside the Vendure server. It is useful for debugging and for monitoring the health of the server in production.

In Vendure, logging is configured using the logger property of the VendureConfig object. The logger must implement the VendureLogger interface.


To implement a custom logger, see the Implementing a custom logger guide.

Log levels

Vendure uses 5 log levels, in order of increasing severity:

DebugThe most verbose level, used for debugging purposes. The output can be very noisy at this level
VerboseMore information than the Info level, but less than Debug
InfoGeneral information about the normal running of the server
WarningIssues which might need attention or action, but which do not prevent the server from continuing to run.
ErrorErrors which should be investigated and handled; something has gone wrong.


Vendure ships with a DefaultLogger which logs to the console (process.stdout). It can be configured with the desired log level:

import { DefaultLogger, VendureConfig } from '@vendure/core';

const config: VendureConfig = {
// ...
logger: new DefaultLogger({ level: LogLevel.Debug }),

Logging database queries

To log database queries, set the logging property of the dbConnectionOptions as well as setting the logger to Debug level.

import { DefaultLogger, LogLevel, VendureConfig } from '@vendure/core';

const config: VendureConfig = {
// ...
logger: new DefaultLogger({ level: LogLevel.Debug }),
dbConnectionOptions: {
// ... etc
logging: true,

// You can also specify which types of DB events to log:
// logging: ['error', 'warn', 'schema', 'query', 'info', 'log'],

More information about the logging option can be found in the TypeORM logging documentation.

Logging in your own plugins

When you extend Vendure by creating your own plugins, it's a good idea to log useful information about what your plugin is doing. To do this, you need to import the Logger class from @vendure/core and use it in your plugin:

import { Logger } from '@vendure/core';

// It is customary to define a logger context for your plugin
// so that the log messages can be easily identified.
const loggerCtx = 'MyPlugin';

// somewhere in your code`My plugin is doing something!`, loggerCtx);